What Our Patients Say


This link takes you to the feedback section of our Practice entry on the National NHS Website where you can leave comments about your experience using the “leave feedback” tab.

This is our “shop window” – on which our reputation depends so naturally, we try to collect good feedback!

We do ask that, if you are unhappy with any aspect of your careplease give us an opportunity to sort it out for you by emailing the practice here , before you post publically (thank you!).

If adverse comments do appear we often struggle to answer them on the public forurm as we have to respect patient confidentiality. When comments are posted anonymously it is likely that we wont be able to investigate what happened and learn what we might improve.

Friends & Family Test

By regulation, GP Practices must give patients the opportunity to answer a specific question relating to how likely they would be to recommend the practice to friends and family. The idea is that this will provide a simple measure of patient satisfaction which we must return to NHS England on a monthly basis.

We also ask a second question allowing you to free text – this information is not collated centrally but can be used to improve services wherever possible. All responses are anonymous and you can choose not to have any comments you make published.

Patients & carers are free to complete this (or not) whenever they want via text after their appointment, on line below, or on cards available in the waiting room. Just complete one and drop it into the red post box.